Mastering Embedded Linux Programming: Building a Root Filesystem (4/16)

Building a Root Filesystem

The root filesystem is the fourth and the final element of embedded Linux. Once you have read this , you will be able build, boot, and run a simple embedded Linux system.

The techniques I will describe here are broadly known as roll your own or RYO. Back in the earlier days of embedded Linux, this was the only way to create a root filesystem. There are still some use cases where an RYO root filesystem is applicable, for example, when the amount of RAM or storage is very limited, for quick demonstrations, or for any case in which your requirements are not (easily) covered by the standard build system tools. Nevertheless, these cases are quite rare. Let me emphasize that the purpose of this  is educational; it is not meant to be a recipe for building everyday embedded systems: use the tools described in the next  for this.

The first objective is to create a minimal root filesystem that will give us a shell prompt. Then, using this as a base, we will add scripts to start up other programs and configure a network interface and user permissions. There are worked examples for both the BeagleBone Black and QEMU targets. Knowing how to build the root filesystem from scratch is a useful skill, and it will help you to understand what is going on when we look at more complex examples in later s.

In this , we will cover the following topics:

What should be in the root filesystem?

Transferring the root filesystem to the target.
Creating a boot initramfs.
The init program.
Configuring user accounts.
A better way of managing device nodes.
Configuring the network.
Creating filesystem images with device tables.
Mounting the root filesystem using NFS.

What should be in the root filesystem?

The kernel will get a root filesystem, either an initramfs, passed as a pointer from the bootloader, or by mounting the block device given on the kernel command line by the root= parameter. Once it has a root filesystem, the kernel will execute the first program, by default named init, as described in the section Early user space in  4, Configuring and Building the Kernel. Then, as far as the kernel is concerned, its job is complete. It is up to the init program to begin starting other programs and so bring the system to life.

To make a minimal root filesystem, you need these components:

Shell: You need a shell to give you a command prompt but, more importantly, also to run the shell scripts called by init and other programs. Daemons: A daemon is a background program that provides a service to others. Good examples are the system log daemon (syslogd) and the secure shell daemon (sshd). The init program must start the initial population of daemons to support the main system applications. In fact, init is itself a daemon: it is the daemon that provides the service of launching other daemons.
Shared libraries: Most programs are linked with shared libraries, and so they must be present in the root filesystem.
Configuration files: The configuration for init and other daemons is stored in a series of text files, usually in the /etc directory.
Device nodes: These are the special files that give access to various device drivers.
/proc and /sys: These two pseudo filesystems represent kernel data structures as a hierarchy of directories and files. Many programs and library functions depend on proc and sys.
Kernel modules: If you have configured some parts of your kernel to be

modules, they need to be installed in the root filesystem, usually in

/lib/modules/[kernel version].

In addition, there are the device-specific applications that make the device do the job it is intended for, and also the run-time data files that they generate.

In some cases, you could condense most of these components into a single, statically-linked program, and start the program instead of init. For example, if your program was named /myprog, you would add the following command to the kernel command line: init=/myprog. I have come across such a configuration only once, in a secure system in which the fork system call had been disabled, thus making it impossible for any other program to be started. The downside of this approach is that you can't make use of the many tools that normally go into an embedded system; you have to do everything yourself.

The directory layout

Interestingly, the Linux kernel does not care about the layout of files and directories beyond the existence of the program named by init= or rdinit=, so you are free to put things wherever you like. As an example, compare the file layout of a device running Android to that of a desktop Linux distribution: they are almost completely different.

However, many programs expect certain files to be in certain places, and it helps us developers if devices use a similar layout, Android aside. The basic layout of a Linux system is defined in the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS), which is available at The FHS covers all the implementations of Linux operating systems from the largest to the smallest. Embedded devices tend to use a subset based on their needs, but it usually includes the following:

/bin: Programs essential for all users

/dev: Device nodes and other special files

/etc: System configuration files

/lib: Essential shared libraries, for example, those that make up the C-library
/proc: The proc filesystem

/sbin: Programs essential to the system administrator

/sys: The sysfs filesystem

/tmp: A place to put temporary or volatile files

/usr: Additional programs, libraries, and system administrator utilities, in the directories /usr/bin, /usr/lib and /usr/sbin, respectively
/var: A hierarchy of files and directories that may be modified at runtime, for example, log messages, some of which must be retained after boot

There are some subtle distinctions here. The difference between /bin and /sbin is simply that the latter need not be included in the search path for non-root users. Users of Red Hat-derived distributions will be familiar with this. The significance of /usr is that it maybe in a separate partition from the root filesystem, so it cannot contain anything that is needed to boot the system up.

The staging directory

You should begin by creating a staging directory on your host computer where you can assemble the files that will eventually be transferred to the target. In the following examples, I have used ~/rootfs. You need to create a skeleton directory structure in it, for example, take a look here:

$   mkdir ~/rootfs

$   cd ~/rootfs

$   mkdir bin dev etc home lib proc sbin sys tmp usr var

$   mkdir usr/bin usr/lib usr/sbin

$   mkdir -p var/log

To see the directory hierarchy more clearly, you can use the handy tree command used in the following example with the -d option to show only the directories:

$   tree -d

├── bin ├── dev ├── etc ├── home ├── lib ├── proc ├── sbin ├── sys ├── tmp ├── usr

│ ├── bin │ ├── lib │ └── sbin ├── va

└── var └── log

POSIX file access permissions

Every process, which in the context of this discussion means every running program, belongs to a user and one or more groups. The user is represented by a 32-bit number called the user ID or UID. Information about users, including the mapping from a UID to a name, is kept in /etc/passwd. Likewise, groups are represented by a group ID or GID with information kept in /etc/group. There is always a root user with a UID of 0 and a root group with a GID of 0. The root user is also called the superuser because; in a default configuration, it bypasses most permission checks and can access all the resources in the system. Security in Linux-based systems is mainly about restricting access to the root account.

Each file and directory also has an owner and belongs to exactly one group. The level of access a process has to a file or directory is controlled by a set of access permission flags, called the mode of the file. There are three collections of three bits: the first collection applies to the owner of the file, the second to the members of the same group as the file, and the last to everyone else: the rest of the world. The bits are for read (r), write (w), and execute (x) permissions on the file. Since three bits fit neatly into an octal digit, they are usually represented in octal, as shown in the following diagram:

 There is a further group of three bits that have special meanings:

SUID (4): If the file is executable, it changes the effective UID of the process to that of the owner of the file when the program is run.
SGID (2): Similar to SUID, this changes the effective GID of the process to that of the group of the file.
Sticky (1): In a directory, this restricts deletion so that one user cannot delete files that are owned by another user. This is usually set on /tmp and


The SUID bit is probably used most often . It gives non-root users a temporary privilege escalation to superuser to perform a task. A good example is the ping program: ping opens a raw socket, which is a privileged operation. In order for normal users to use ping, it is owned by user root and has the SUID bit set so that when you run ping, it executes with UID 0 regardless of your UID.

To set these bits, use the octal numbers, 4, 2, and 1 with the chmod command. For example, to set SUID on /bin/ping in your staging root directory, you could use the following:

$ cd ~/rootfs

$ ls -l bin/ping
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 35712 Feb 6 09:15 bin/ping

$   sudo chmod 4755 bin/ping

$   ls -l bin/ping

-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 35712 Feb 6 09:15 bin/ping

Note that the second ls command shows the first three bits of the mode to be rws, whereas previously, they had been rwx. That 's' indicates that the SUID bit is set.

File ownership permissions in the staging directory

For security and stability reasons, it is vitally important to pay attention to the ownership and permissions of the files that will be placed on the target device. Generally speaking, you want to restrict sensitive resources to be accessible only by the root and wherever possible, to run programs using non-root users so that if they are compromised by an outside attack, they offer as few system resources to the attacker as possible. For example, the device node called /dev/mem gives access to system memory, which is necessary in some programs. But, if it is readable and writeable by everyone, then there is no security because everyone can access everything in memory. So, /dev/mem should be owned by root, belong to the root group, and have a mode of 600, which denies read and write access to all but the owner.

There is a problem with the staging directory though. The files you create there will be owned by you, but when they are installed on the device, they should belong to specific owners and groups, mostly the root user. An obvious fix is to change the ownership to root at this stage with the commands shown here:

$ cd ~/rootfs

$ sudo chown -R root:root *

The problem is that you need root privileges to run the chown command, and from that point onward, you will need to be root to modify any files in the staging directory. Before you know it, you are doing all your development logged on as root, which is not a good idea. This is a problem that we will come back to later.

Programs for the root filesystem

Now, it is time to start populating the root filesystem with the essential programs and the supporting libraries, configuration, and data files that they need to operate. I will begin with an overview of the types of programs you will need.

The init program

Init is the first program to be run, and so it is an essential part of the root filesystem. In this , we will be using the simple init program provided by BusyBox.


We need a shell to run scripts and to give us a command prompt so that we can interact with the system. An interactive shell is probably not necessary in a production device, but it is useful for development, debugging, and maintenance. There are various shells in common use in embedded systems:

bash: This is the big beast that we all know and love from desktop Linux. It is a superset of the Unix Bourne shell with many extensions or bashisms. ash: Also based on the Bourne shell, it has a long history with the BSD variants of Unix. BusyBox has a version of ash, which has been extended to make it more compatible with bash. It is much smaller than bash, and hence it is a very popular choice for embedded systems.
hush: This is a very small shell that we briefly looked at in  3, All about Bootloaders. It is useful on devices with very little memory. There is a version of hush in BusyBox.

If you are using ash or hush as the shell on the target, make sure that you test your shell scripts on the target. It is very tempting to test them only on the host, using bash, and then be surprised that they don't work when you copy them to the target.


The shell is just a way of launching other programs, and a shell script is little more than a list of programs to run, with some flow control and a means of passing information between programs. To make a shell useful, you need the utility programs that the Unix command line is based on. Even for a basic root filesystem, you need approximately 50 utilities, which presents two problems. Firstly, tracking down the source code for each one and cross-compiling it would be quite a big job. Secondly, the resulting collection of programs would take up several tens of megabytes, which was a real problem in the early days of embedded Linux when a few megabytes was all you had. To solve this problem, BusyBox was born.

BusyBox to the rescue!

The genesis of BusyBox had nothing to do with embedded Linux. The project was instigated in 1996 by Bruce Perens for the Debian installer so that he could boot Linux from a 1.44 MB floppy disk. Coincidentally, this was about the size of the storage on contemporary devices, and so the embedded Linux community quickly took it up. BusyBox has been at the heart of embedded Linux ever since.

BusyBox was written from scratch to perform the essential functions of those essential Linux utilities. The developers took advantage of the 80:20 rule: the most useful 80% of a program is implemented in 20% of the code. Hence, BusyBox tools implement a subset of the functions of the desktop equivalents, but they do enough of it to be useful in the majority of cases.

Another trick BusyBox employs is to combine all the tools together into a single binary, making it easy to share code between them. It works like this: BusyBox is a collection of applets, each of which exports its main function in the form [applet]_main. For example, the cat command is implemented in coreutils/cat.c and exports cat_main. The main function of BusyBox itself dispatches the call to the correct applet, based on the command-line arguments.

So, to read a file, you can launch BusyBox with the name of the applet you want to run, followed by any arguments the applet expects, as shown here:

$ busybox cat my_file.txt

You can also run BusyBox with no arguments to get a list of all the applets that have been compiled.

Using BusyBox in this way is rather clumsy. A better way to get BusyBox to run the cat applet is to create a symbolic link from /bin/cat to /bin/busybox:

$ ls -l bin/cat bin/busybox

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 892868 Feb 2 11:01 bin/busybox
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7                            Feb 2 11:01 bin/cat -> busybox

When you type cat at the command line, BusyBox is the program that actually

runs. BusyBox only has to check the command tail passed in argv[0], which will be /bin/cat, extract the application name, cat, and do a table look-up to match cat with cat_main. All this is in libbb/appletlib.c in this section of code (slightly simplified):

applet_name = argv[0];

applet_name = bb_basename(applet_name);

run_applet_and_exit(applet_name, argv);

BusyBox has over three hundred applets including an init program, several shells of varying levels of complexity, and utilities for most admin tasks. There is even a simple version of the vi editor, so you can change text files on your device.

To summarize, a typical installation of BusyBox consists of a single program with a symbolic link for each applet, but which behaves exactly as if it were a collection of individual applications.

Building BusyBox

BusyBox uses the same Kconfig and Kbuild system as the kernel, so cross compiling is straightforward. You can get the source by cloning the Git archive and checking out the version you want (1_26_2 was the latest at the time of writing), such as follows:

$   git clone git://

$   cd busybox

$   git checkout 1_26_2

You can also download the corresponding TAR file from

Then, configure BusyBox by starting with the default configuration, which enables pretty much all of the features of BusyBox:

$   make distclean

$   make defconfig

At this point, you probably want to run make menuconfig to fine tune the configuration. For example, you almost certainly want to set the install path in Busybox Settings | Installation Options (CONFIG_PREFIX) to point to the staging directory. Then, you can cross compile in the usual way. If your intended target is the BeagleBone Black, use this command:

$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-cortex_a8-linux-gnueabihf-

If your intended target is the QEMU emulation of a Versatile PB, use this command:

$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-

In either case, the result is the executable, busybox. For a default configuration build like this, the size is about 900 KiB. If this is too big for you, you can slim it down by changing the configuration to leave out the utilities you don't need.

To install BusyBox into the staging area, use the following command:

$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-cortex_a8-linux-gnueabihf- install

This will copy the binary to the directory configured in CONFIG_PREFIX and create all the symbolic links to it.

ToyBox – an alternative to BusyBox

BusyBox is not the only game in town. In addition, there is ToyBox, which you can find at The project was started by Rob Landley, who was previously a maintainer of BusyBox. ToyBox has the same aim as BusyBox, but with more emphasis on complying with standards, especially POSIX-2008 and LSB 4.1, and less on compatibility with GNU extensions to those standards. ToyBox is smaller than BusyBox, partly because it implements fewer applets. However, the main difference is the license, which is BSD rather than GPL v2. This makes it license compatible with operating systems with a BSD-licensed user space, such as Android, and hence it is part of all the new Android devices.

Libraries for the root filesystem

Programs are linked with libraries. You could link them all statically, in which case, there would be no libraries on the target device. But, this takes up an unnecessarily large amount of storage if you have more than two or three programs. So, you need to copy shared libraries from the toolchain to the staging directory. How do you know which libraries?

One option is to copy all of the .so files from the sysroot directory of your toolchain, since they must be of some use otherwise they wouldn't exist! This is certainly logical and, if you are creating a platform to be used by others for a range of applications, it would be the correct approach. Be aware, though, that a full glibc is quite large. In the case of a crosstool-NG build of glibc 2.22, the libraries, locales, and other supporting files come to 33 MiB. Of course, you could cut down on that considerably using musl libc or uClibc-ng.

Another option is to cherry pick only those libraries that you require, for which you need a means of discovering library dependencies. Using some of our knowledge from  2, Learning About Toolchains, we can use the readelf command for this task:

$ cd ~/rootfs

$   arm-cortex_a8-linux-gnueabihf-readelf -a bin/busybox | grep "program interpreter" [Requesting program interpreter: /lib/]

$   arm-cortex_a8-linux-gnueabihf-readelf -a bin/busybox | grep "Shared library" 0x00000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []

0x00000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []

Now, you need to find these files in the toolchain sysroot directory and copy them to the staging directory. Remember that you can find sysroot like this:

$ arm-cortex_a8-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -print-sysroot /home/chris/x-tools/arm-cortex_a8-linux-gnueabihf/arm-cortex_a8-linux-gnueabihf/sysroot

To reduce the amount of typing, I am going to keep a copy of that in a shell variable:

$ export SYSROOT=$(arm-cortex_a8-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -print-sysroot)

If you look at /lib/ in sysroot, you will see that, it is, in fact, a symbolic link:


$ ls -l lib/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 chris chris 10 Mar 3 15:22 lib/ ->

Repeat the exercise for and, and you will end up with a list of three files and three symbolic links. Now, you can copy each one using cp -a, which will preserve the symbolic link:

$ cd ~/rootfs

$   cp -a $SYSROOT/lib/ lib

$   cp -a $SYSROOT/lib/ lib

$   cp -a $SYSROOT/lib/ lib

$   cp -a $SYSROOT/lib/ lib

$   cp -a $SYSROOT/lib/ lib

$   cp -a $SYSROOT/lib/ lib

Repeat this procedure for each program.

It is only worth doing this to get the very smallest embedded footprint possible. There is a danger that you will miss libraries that are loaded through dlopen(3) calls–plugins mostly. We will look at an example with the name service switch (NSS) libraries when we come to configure network interfaces later on in this .

Reducing the size by stripping

Libraries and programs are often compiled with some information stored in symbol tables to aid debugging and tracing. You seldom need these in a production system. A quick and easy way to save space is to strip the binaries of symbol tables. This example shows libc before stripping:

$ file rootfs/lib/

lib/ ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynam

$ ls -og rootfs/lib/

-rwxr-xr-x 1 1542572 Mar 3 15:22 rootfs/lib/

Now, let's see the result of stripping debug information:

$   arm-cortex_a8-linux-gnueabihf-strip rootfs/lib/

$   file rootfs/lib/

rootfs/lib/ ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (GNU/Linux)

$ ls -og rootfs/lib/

-rwxr-xr-x 1 1218200 Mar 22 19:57 rootfs/lib/

In this case, we saved 324,372 bytes, or about 20% of the size of the file before stripping.

Be careful about stripping kernel modules. Some symbols are required by the module loader to relocate the module code, and so the module will fail to load if they are stripped out. Use this command to remove debug symbols while keeping those used for relocation: strip --strip-unneeded <module name>.

Device nodes

Most devices in Linux are represented by device nodes, in accordance with the Unix philosophy that everything is a file (except network interfaces, which are sockets). A device node may refer to a block device or a character device. Block devices are mass storage devices, such as SD cards or hard drives. A character device is pretty much anything else, once again with the exception of network interfaces. The conventional location for device nodes is the directory called /dev. For example, a serial port maybe represented by the device node called


Device nodes are created using the program named mknod (short for make node):

mknod <name> <type> <major> <minor>

The parameters to mknod are as follows:

name is the name of the device node that you want to create.

type is either c for character devices or b for a block.

major and minor are a pair of numbers, which are used by the kernel to route file requests to the appropriate device driver code. There is a list of standard major and minor numbers in the kernel source in the file

You will need to create device nodes for all the devices you want to access on your system. You can do so manually using the mknod command, as I will illustrate here; or you can create them automatically at runtime using one of the device managers that I will mention later.

In a really minimal root filesystem, you need just two nodes to boot with BusyBox: console and null. The console only needs to be accessible to root, the owner of the device node, so the access permissions are 600. The null device should be readable and writable by everyone, so the mode is 666. You can use the -m option for mknod to set the mode when creating the node. You need to be root to create device nodes, as shown here:

$ cd ~/rootfs

$ sudo mknod -m 666 dev/null c 1 3

$ sudo mknod -m 600 dev/console c 5 1

$   ls -l dev total 0

crw------- 1 root root 5, 1 Mar 22 20:01 console crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Mar 22 20:01 null

You can delete device nodes using the standard rm command: there is no rmnod command because, once created, they are just files.

The proc and sysfs filesystems

proc and sysfs are two pseudo filesystems that give a window onto the inner workings of the kernel. They both represent kernel data as files in a hierarchy of directories: when you read one of the files, the contents you see do not come from disk storage; it has been formatted on-the-fly by a function in the kernel. Some files are also writable, meaning that a kernel function is called with the new data you have written and, if it is of the correct format and you have sufficient permissions, it will modify the value stored in the kernel's memory. In other words, proc and sysfs provide another way to interact with device drivers and other kernel code. The proc and sysfs filesystems should be mounted on the directories called /proc and /sys:

#   mount -t proc proc /proc

#   mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys

Although they are very similar in concept, they perform different functions. proc has been part of Linux since the early days. Its original purpose was to expose information about processes to user space, hence the name. To this end, there is a directory for each process named /proc/<PID>, which contains information about its state. The process list command, ps, reads these files to generate its output. In addition, there are files that give information about other parts of the kernel, for example, /proc/cpuinfo tells you about the CPU, /proc/interrupts has information about interrupts, and so on.

Finally, in /proc/sys, there are files that display and control the state and behavior of kernel subsystems, especially scheduling, memory management, and networking. The manual page is the best reference for the files you will find in the proc directory, which you can see by typing man 5 proc.

On the other hand, the role of sysfs is to present the kernel driver model to user space. It exports a hierarchy of files relating to devices and device drivers and the way they are connected to each other. I will go into more detail on the Linux driver model when I describe the interaction with device drivers in  9, Interfacing with Device Drivers.

Mounting filesystems

The mount command allows us to attach one filesystem to a directory within another, forming a hierarchy of filesystems. The one at the top, which was mounted by the kernel when it booted, is called the root filesystem. The format of the mount command is as follows:

mount [-t vfstype] [-o options] device directory

You need to specify the type of the filesystem, vfstype, the block device node it resides on, and the directory you want to mount it to. There are various options you can give after-o; have a look at the manual page mount(8) for more information. As an example, if you want to mount an SD card containing an ext4 filesystem in the first partition onto the directory called /mnt, you would type the following code:

# mount -t ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt

Assuming the mount succeeds, you would be able to see the files stored on the SD card in the directory: /mnt. In some cases, you can leave out the filesystem type, and let the kernel probe the device to find out what is stored there.

Looking at the example of mounting the proc filesystem, there is something odd: there is no device node, such as /dev/proc, since it is a pseudo filesystem and not a real one. But the mount command requires a device parameter. Consequently, we have to give a string where device should go, but it does not matter much what that string is. These two commands achieve exactly the same result:

#   mount -t proc procfs /proc

#   mount -t proc nodevice /proc

The strings "procfs" and "nodevice" are ignored by the mount command. It is fairly common to use the filesystem type in the place of the device when mounting pseudo filesystems.

Kernel modules

If you have kernel modules, they need to be installed into the root filesystem, using the kernel make target modules_install, as we saw in the last . This will copy them into the directory called /lib/modules/<kernel version> together with the configuration files needed by the modprobe command.

Be aware that you have just created a dependency between the kernel and the root filesystem. If you update one, you will have to update the other.

Transferring the root filesystem to the target

After having created a skeleton root filesystem in your staging directory, the next task is to transfer it to the target. In the sections that follow, I will describe three possibilities:

initramfs: Also known as a ramdisk, this is a filesystem image that is loaded into RAM by the bootloader. Ramdisks are easy to create and have no dependencies on mass storage drivers. They can be used in fallback maintenance mode when the main root filesystem needs updating. They can even be used as the main root filesystem in small embedded devices, and they are commonly used as the early user space in mainstream Linux distributions. Remember that the contents of the root filesystem are volatile, and any changes you make in the root filesystem at runtime will be lost when the system next boots. You would need another storage type to store permanent data such as configuration parameters.
Disk image: This is a copy of the root filesystem formatted and ready to be loaded onto a mass storage device on the target. For example, it could be an image in the ext4 format ready to be copied onto an SD card, or it could be in the jffs2 format ready to be loaded into flash memory via the bootloader. Creating a disk image is probably the most common option. There is more information about the different types of mass storage in  7, Creating a Storage Strategy.
Network filesystem: The staging directory can be exported to the network via an NFS server and mounted by the target at boot time. This is often done during the development phase, in preference to repeated cycles of creating a disk image and reloading it onto the mass storage device, which is quite a slow process.

I will start with ramdisk, and use it to illustrate a few refinements to the root filesystem, such as adding usernames and a device manager to create device nodes automatically. Then, I will show you how to create a disk image and how to use NFS to mount the root filesystem over a network.

Creating a boot initramfs

An initial RAM filesystem, or initramfs, is a compressed cpio archive. cpio is an old Unix archive format, similar to TAR and ZIP but easier to decode and so requiring less code in the kernel. You need to configure your kernel with

CONFIG_BLK_DEV_INITRD to support initramfs.

As it happens, there are three different ways to create a boot ramdisk: as a standalone cpio archive, as a cpio archive embedded in the kernel image, and as a device table which the kernel build system processes as part of the build. The first option gives the most flexibility, because we can mix and match kernels and ramdisks to our heart's content. However, it means that you have two files to deal with instead of one, and not all bootloaders have the facility to load a separate ramdisk. I will show you how to build one into the kernel later.

Standalone initramfs

The following sequence of instructions creates the archive, compresses it, and adds a U-Boot header ready for loading onto the target:

$ cd ~/rootfs

$   find . | cpio -H newc -ov --owner root:root > ../initramfs.cpio

$   cd ..

$   gzip initramfs.cpio

$   mkimage -A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -d initramfs.cpio.gz uRamdisk

Note that we run cpio with the option: --owner root:root. This is a quick fix for the file ownership problem mentioned earlier, making everything in the cpio archive have UID and GID of 0.

The final size of the uRamdisk file is about 2.9 MB with no kernel modules. Add to that 4.4 MB for the kernel zImage file and 440 KB for U-Boot, and this gives a total of 7.7 MB of storage needed to boot this board. We are a little way off the 1.44 MB floppy that started it all off. If size was a real problem, you could use one of these options:

Make the kernel smaller by leaving out drivers and functions you don't need

Make BusyBox smaller by leaving out utilities you don't need
Use musl libc or uClibc-ng in place of glibc
Compile BusyBox statically

Booting the initramfs

The simplest thing we can do is to run a shell on the console so that we can interact with the target. We can do that by adding rdinit=/bin/sh to the kernel command line. The next two sections show how to do that for both QEMU and the BeagleBone Black.

Booting with QEMU

QEMU has the option called -initrd to load initramfs into memory. You should already have from  4, Configuring and Building the Kernel, a zImage compiled with the arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi toolchain and the device tree binary for the Versatile PB. From this , you should have created initramfs , which includes BusyBox compiled with the same toolchain. Now, you can launch QEMU using the script in MELP/_05/ or using this



qemu-system-arm -m 256M -nographic -M versatilepb -kernel zImage \

-append "console=ttyAMA0 rdinit=/bin/sh" -dtb versatile-pb.dtb \

-initrd initramfs.cpio.gz

You should get a root shell with the prompt / #.

Booting the BeagleBone Black

For the BeagleBone Black, we need the microSD card prepared in  4, Configuring and Building the Kernel, plus a root filesystem built using the arm-cortex_a8-linux-gnueabihf toolchain. Copy uRamdisk you created earlier in this section to the boot partition on the microSD card, and then use it to boot the BeagleBone Black to point that you get a U-Boot prompt. Then enter these commands:

fatload mmc 0:1 0x80200000 zImage

fatload mmc 0:1 0x80f00000 am335x-boneblack.dtb fatload mmc 0:1 0x81000000 uRamdisk

setenv bootargs console=ttyO0,115200 rdinit=/bin/sh bootz 0x80200000 0x81000000 0x80f00000

If all goes well, you will get a root shell with the prompt / # on the serial console.

Mounting proc

You will find that on both platforms the ps command doesn't work. This is because the proc filesystem has not been mounted yet. Try mounting it:

# mount -t proc proc /proc

Now, run ps again, and you will see the process listing.

A refinement to this setup would be to write a shell script that mounts proc, and anything else that needs to be done at boot-up. Then, you could run this script instead of /bin/sh at boot. The following snippet gives an idea of how it would work:


/bin/mount -t proc proc /proc

#   Other boot-time commands go here

The last line, /bin/sh, launches a new shell that gives you an interactive root shell prompt. Using a shell as init in this way is very handy for quick hacks, for example, when you want to rescue a system with a broken init program. However, in most cases, you would use an init program, which we will cover later on in this . But, before this, I want to look at two other ways to load


Building an initramfs into the kernel image

So far, we have created a compressed initramfs as a separate file and used the bootloader to load it into memory. Some bootloaders do not have the ability to load an initramfs file in this way. To cope with these situations, Linux can be configured to incorporate initramfs into the kernel image. To do this, change the kernel configuration and set CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE to the full path of the cpio archive you created earlier. If you are using menuconfig, it is in General setup | Initramfs source file(s). Note that it has to be the uncompressed cpio file ending in .cpio, not the gzipped version. Then, build the kernel.

Booting is the same as before, except that there is no ramdisk file. For QEMU, the command is like this:


qemu-system-arm -m 256M -nographic -M versatilepb -kernel zImage \

-append "console=ttyAMA0 rdinit=/bin/sh" -dtb versatile-pb.dtb

For the BeagleBone Black, enter these commands at the U-Boot prompt:

fatload mmc 0:1 0x80200000 zImage

fatload mmc 0:1 0x80f00000 am335x-boneblack.dtb setenv bootargs console=ttyO0,115200 rdinit=/bin/sh bootz 0x80200000 – 0x80f00000

Of course, you must remember to regenerate the cpio file each time you change the contents of the root filesystem, and then rebuild the kernel.

Building an initramfs using a device table

A device table is a text file that lists the files, directories, device nodes, and links that go into an archive or filesystem image. The overwhelming advantage is that it allows you to create entries in the archive file that are owned by the root user, or any other UID, without having root privileges yourself. You can even create device nodes without needing root privileges. All this is possible because the archive is just a data file. It is only when it is expanded by Linux at boot time that real files and directories get created, using the attributes you have specified.

The kernel has a feature that allows us to use a device table when creating an initramfs. You write the device table file, and then point CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE at it. Then, when you build the kernel, it creates the cpio archive from the instructions in the device table. At no point do you need root access.

Here is a device table for our simple rootfs, but missing most of the symbolic links to BusyBox to make it manageable:

dir /bin 775 0 0

dir /sys 775 0 0

dir /tmp 775 0 0

dir /dev 775 0 0

nod /dev/null 666 0 0 c 1 3

nod /dev/console 600 0 0 c 5 1

dir /home 775 0 0

dir /proc 775 0 0

dir /lib 775 0 0

slink /lib/ 777 0 0

slink /lib/ 777 0 0

slink /lib/ 777 0 0

file /lib/ /home/chris/rootfs/lib/ 755 0 0 file /lib/ /home/chris/rootfs/lib/ 755 0 0 file /lib/ /home/chris/rootfs/lib/ 755 0 0

The syntax is fairly obvious:

dir <name> <mode> <uid> <gid>

file <name> <location> <mode> <uid> <gid>

nod <name> <mode> <uid> <gid> <dev_type> <maj> <min>

slink <name> <target> <mode> <uid> <gid>

The commands dir, nod, and slink create a file system object in the initramfs cpio archive with the name, mode, user ID and group ID given. The file command copies the file from the source location into the archive and sets the mode, the user ID, and the group ID.

The task of creating an initramfs device table from scratch is made easier by a script in the kernel source code in scripts/, which creates a device table from a given directory. For example, to create the initramfs device table for directory rootfs, and to change the ownership of all files owned by user ID 1000 and group ID 1000 to user and group ID 0, you would use this command:

$   bash linux-stable/scripts/ -u 1000 -g 1000 \ rootfs > initramfs-device-table

Note that the script only works with a bash shell. If you have a system with a different default shell, as is the case with most Ubuntu configurations, you will find that the script fails. Hence, in the command given previously, I explicitly used bash to run the script.

The old initrd format

There is an older format for a Linux ramdisk, known as initrd. It was the only format available before Linux 2.6 and is still needed if you are using the mmu-less variant of Linux, uClinux. It is pretty obscure and I will not cover it here. There is more information in the kernel source in Documentation/initrd.txt.

The init program

Running a shell, or even a shell script, at boot time is fine for simple cases, but really you need something more flexible. Normally, Unix systems run a program called init that starts up and monitors other programs. Over the years, there have been many init programs, some of which I will describe in  9, Interfacing with Device Drivers. For now, I will briefly introduce the init from BusyBox.

The init program begins by reading the configuration file, /etc/inittab. Here is a simple example, which is adequate for our needs:



The first line runs a shell script, rcS, when init is started. The second line prints

the message Please press Enter to activate this console to the console and starts a shell when you press Enter. The leading - before /bin/ash means that it will become a login shell, which sources /etc/profile and $HOME/.profile before giving the shell prompt. One of the advantages of launching the shell like this is that job control is enabled. The most immediate effect is that you can use Ctrl + C to terminate the current program. Maybe you didn't notice it before but, wait until you run the ping program and find you can't stop it!

BusyBox init provides a default inittab if none is present in the root filesystem. It is a little more extensive than the preceding one.

The script called /etc/init.d/rcS is the place to put initialization commands that need to be performed at boot, for example, mounting the proc and sysfs filesystems:


mount -t proc proc /proc

mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys

Make sure that you make rcS executable like this:

$ cd ~/rootfs

$ chmod +x etc/init.d/rcS

You can try it out on QEMU by changing the -append parameter like this:

-append "console=ttyAMA0 rdinit=/sbin/init"

For the BeagleBone Black, you need to set the bootargs variable in U-Boot as shown here:

setenv bootargs console=ttyO0,115200 rdinit=/sbin/init

Starting a daemon process

Typically, you would want to run certain background processes at startup. Let's take the log daemon, syslogd, as an example. The purpose of syslogd is to accumulate log messages from other programs, mostly other daemons. Naturally, BusyBox has an applet for that!

Starting the daemon is as simple as adding a line like this to etc/inittab:

::respawn:/sbin/syslogd -n

respawn means that if the program terminates, it will be automatically restarted; -n means that it should run as a foreground process. The log is written to


You may also want to start klogd in the same way: klogd sends kernel log messages to syslogd so that they can be logged to permanent storage.

Configuring user accounts

As I have hinted already, it is not good practice to run all programs as root, since if one is compromised by an outside attack, then the whole system is at risk. It is preferable to create unprivileged user accounts and use them where full root is not necessary.

User names are configured in /etc/passwd. There is one line per user, with seven fields of information separated by colons, which are in order:

The login name

A hash code used to verify the password, or more usually an x to indicate that the password is stored in /etc/shadow The user ID

The group ID
A comment field, often left blank
The user's home directory
(Optional) the shell this user will use

Here is a simple example in which we have user root with UID 0, and user daemon with UID 1:



Setting the shell for user daemon to /bin/false ensures that any attempt to log on with that name will fail.

Various programs have to read /etc/passwd in order to look up user names and UIDs, and so the file has to be world readable. This is a problem if the password hashes are stored in there as well, because a malicious program would be able to take a copy and discover the actual passwords using a variety of cracker programs. Therefore, to reduce the exposure of this sensitive information, the passwords are stored in /etc/shadow and x is placed in the password field to indicate that this is the case. The file called /etc/shadow only needs to be accessed by root, so as long as the root user is not compromised, the passwords are safe.

The shadow password file consists of one entry per user, made up of nine fields. Here is an example that mirrors the password file shown in the preceding paragraph:



The first two fields are the username and the password hash. The remaining seven fields are related to password aging, which is not usually an issue on embedded devices. If you are curious about the full details, refer to the manual page for shadow(5).

In the example, the password for root is empty, meaning that root can log on without giving a password. Having an empty password for root is useful during development but not for production. You can generate or change a password hash by running the passwd command on the target, which will write a new hash to /etc/shadow. If you want all subsequent root filesystems to have this same password, you could copy this file back to the staging directory.

Group names are stored in a similar way in /etc/group. There is one line per group consisting of four fields separated by colons. The fields are here:

The name of the group

The group password, usually an x character, indicating that there is no group password
The GID or group ID
An optional list of users who belong to this group, separated by commas

Here is an example:



Adding user accounts to the root filesystem

Firstly, you have to add to your staging directory the files etc/passwd, etc/shadow, and etc/group, as shown in the preceding section. Make sure that the permissions of shadow are 0600. Next, you need to initiate the login procedure by starting a program called getty. There is a version of getty in BusyBox. You launch it from inittab using the keyword respawn, which restarts getty when a login shell is terminated, so inittab should read like this:


::respawn:/sbin/getty 115200 console

Then, rebuild the ramdisk and try it out using QEMU or the BeagleBone Black as before.

A better way of managing device nodes

Creating device nodes statically with mknod is quite hard work and inflexible.

There are other ways to create device nodes automatically on demand:

devtmpfs: This is a pseudo filesystem that you mount over /dev at boot time. The kernel populates it with device nodes for all the devices that the kernel currently knows about, and it creates nodes for new devices as they are detected at runtime. The nodes are owned by root and have default permissions of 0600. Some well-known device nodes, such as /dev/null and /dev/random, override the default to 0666. To see exactly how this is done, take a look at the Linux source file: drivers/char/mem.c and see how struct memdev is initialized.
mdev: This is a BusyBox applet that is used to populate a directory with device nodes and to create new nodes as needed. There is a configuration file, /etc/mdev.conf, which contains rules for ownership and the mode of the nodes.
udev: This is the mainstream equivalent of mdev. You will find it on desktop Linux and in some embedded devices. It is very flexible and a good choice for higher end embedded devices. It is now part of systemd.

Although both mdev and udev create the device nodes themselves, it is more usual to let devtmpfs do the job and use mdev/udev as a layer on top to implement the policy for setting ownership and permissions.

An example using devtmpfs

Support for the devtmpfs filesystem is controlled by kernel configuration variable: CONFIG_DEVTMPFS. It is not enabled in the default configuration of the ARM Versatile PB, so if you want to try out the following using this target, you will have to go back and enable this option. Trying out devtmpfs is as simple as entering this command:

# mount -t devtmpfs devtmpfs /dev

You will notice that afterward, there are many more device nodes in /dev. For a permanent fix, add this to /etc/init.d/rcS:


mount -t proc proc /proc

mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys

mount -t devtmpfs devtmpfs /dev

If you enable CONFIG_DEVTMPFS_MOUNT in your kernel configuration, the kernel will automatically mount devtmpfs just after mounting the root filesystem. However, this option has no effect when booting initramfs, as we are doing here.

An example using mdev

While mdev is a bit more complex to set up, it does allow you to modify the permissions of device nodes as they are created. You begin by running mdev with the -s option, which causes it to scan the /sys directory looking for information about current devices. From this information, it populates the /dev directory with the corresponding nodes. If you want to keep track of new devices coming online and create nodes for them as well, you need to make mdev a hot plug client by writing to /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug. These additions to /etc/init.d/rcS will

achieve all of this:


mount -t proc proc /proc

mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys

mount -t devtmpfs devtmpfs /dev

echo /sbin/mdev > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug

mdev -s

The default mode is 660 and the ownership is root:root. You can change this by adding rules in /etc/mdev.conf. For example, to give the null, random, and urandom devices their correct modes, you would add this to /etc/mdev.conf:

null root:root 666

random root:root 444

urandom root:root 444

The format is documented in the BusyBox source code in docs/mdev.txt, and there are more examples in the directory named examples.

Are static device nodes so bad after all?

Statically created device nodes do have one advantage over running a device manager: they don't take any time during boot to create. If minimizing boot time is a priority, using statically-created device nodes will save a measurable amount of time.

Configuring the network

Next, let's look at some basic network configurations so that we can communicate with the outside world. I am assuming that there is an Ethernet interface, eth0, and that we only need a simple IPv4 configuration.

These examples use the network utilities that are part of BusyBox, and they are sufficient for a simple use case, using the old-but-reliable ifup and ifdown programs. You can read the manual pages for both to get the details. The main network configuration is stored in /etc/network/interfaces. You will need to create these directories in the staging directory:





For a static IP address, /etc/network/interfaces would look like this:

auto lo

iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0

iface eth0 inet static




For a dynamic IP address allocated using DHCP, /etc/network/interfaces would look like this:

auto lo

iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0

iface eth0 inet dhcp

You will also have to configure a DHCP client program. BusyBox has one named udchpcd. It needs a shell script that should go in /usr/share/udhcpc/default.script. There is a suitable default in the BusyBox source code in the directory examples/udhcp/simple.script.

Network components for glibc

glibc uses a mechanism known as the name service switch (NSS) to control the way that names are resolved to numbers for networking and users. Usernames, for example, maybe resolved to UIDs via the file /etc/passwd, and network services such as HTTP can be resolved to the service port number via /etc/services. All this is configured by /etc/nsswitch.conf; see the manual page, nss(5), for full details. Here is a simple example that will suffice for most embedded Linux implementations:

passwd:           files

group:              files

shadow:          files

hosts:              files dns

networks:        files

protocols: files

services:          files

Everything is resolved by the correspondingly named file in /etc, except for the host names, which may additionally be resolved by a DNS lookup.

To make this work, you need to populate /etc with those files. Networks, protocols, and services are the same across all Linux systems, so they can be copied from /etc in your development PC. /etc/hosts should, at least, contain the loopback address: localhost

The other files, passwd, group, and shadow, have been described earlier in the section Configuring user accounts.

The last piece of the jigsaw is the libraries that perform the name resolution. They are plugins that are loaded as needed based on the contents of nsswitch.conf, meaning that they do not show up as dependencies if you use readelf or ldd. You will simply have to copy them from the toolchain's sysroot:

$ cd ~/rootfs

$ cp -a $SYSROOT/lib/libnss* lib

$ cp -a $SYSROOT/lib/libresolv* lib

Creating filesystem images with device tables

We saw earlier in the section Creating a boot initramfs that the kernel has an option to create initramfs using a device table. Device tables are really useful because they allow a non-root user to create device nodes and to allocate arbitrary UID and GID values to any file or directory. The same concept has been applied to tools that create other filesystem image formats, as shown in this table:

Filesystem format




We will look at jffs2 and ubifs in  7, Creating a Storage Strategy, when we look at filesystems for flash memory. The third, ext2, is a format commonly used for managed flash memory, including SD cards. The example that follows uses ext2 to create a disk image that can be copied to an SD card.

They each take a device table file with the format <name> <type> <mode> <uid> <gid> <major> <minor> <start> <inc> <count>, where the meanings of the fields is as follows:


type: One of the following:

f: A regular file

d: A directory

c: A character special device file

b: A block special device file

p: A FIFO (named pipe)

uid The UID of the file

gid: The GID of the file

major and minor: The device numbers (device nodes only)

start, inc, and count: Allow you to create a group of device nodes starting from the minor number in start (device nodes only)

You do not have to specify every file, as you do with the kernel initramfs table. You just have to point at a directory—the staging directory—and list the changes and exceptions you need to make in the final filesystem image.

A simple example which populates static device nodes for us is as follows:

/dev d 755 0 0 - - - - -

/dev/null c 666 0 0 1 3 0 0 -

/dev/console c 600 0 0 5 1 0 0 -

/dev/ttyO0 c 600 0 0 252 0 0 0 -

Then, you can use genext2fs to generate a filesystem image of 4 MB (that is 4,096 blocks of the default size, 1,024 bytes):

$ genext2fs -b 4096 -d rootfs -D device-table.txt -U rootfs.ext2

Now, you can copy the resulting image, rootfs.ext2, to an SD card or similar, which we will do next.

Booting the BeagleBone Black

The script called MELP/ creates two partitions on the micro SD card: one for the boot files and one for the root filesystem. Assuming that you have created the root filesystem image as shown in the previous section, you can use the dd command to write it to the second partition. As always, when copying files directly to storage devices like this, make absolutely sure that you know which is the micro SD card. In this case, I am using a built-in card reader, which is the device called /dev/mmcblk0, so the command is as follows:

$ sudo dd if=rootfs.ext2 of=/dev/mmcblk0p2

Then, slot the micro SD card into the BeagleBone Black, and set the kernel command line to root=/dev/mmcblk0p2. The complete sequence of U-Boot commands is as follows:

fatload mmc 0:1 0x80200000 zImage

fatload mmc 0:1 0x80f00000 am335x-boneblack.dtb

setenv bootargs console=ttyO0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 bootz 0x80200000 – 0x80f00000

This is an example of mounting a filesystem from a normal block device, such as an SD card. The same principles apply to other filesystem types and we will look at them in more detail in  7, Creating a Storage Strategy.

Mounting the root filesystem using NFS

If your device has a network interface, it is often useful to mount the root filesystem over the network during development. It gives you access to the almost unlimited storage on your host machine, so you can add in debug tools and executables with large symbol tables. As an added bonus, updates made to the root filesystem on the development machine are made available on the target immediately. You can also access all the target's log files from the host.

To begin with, you need to install and configure an NFS server on your host. On Ubuntu, the package to install is named nfs-kernel-server:

$ sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

The NFS server needs to be told which directories are being exported to the network, which is controlled by /etc/exports. There is one line for each export. The format is described in the manual page exports(5). As an example, to export the root filesystem on my host, I have this:

/home/chris/rootfs *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)

*   exports the directory to any address on my local network. If you wish, you can give a single IP address or a range at this point. There follows a list of options enclosed in parentheses. There must not be any spaces between * and the opening parenthesis. The options are here:

rw: This exports the directory as read-write.

sync: This option selects the synchronous version of the NFS protocol,

which is more robust but a little slower than the async option.

no_subtree_check: This option disables subtree checking, which has mild

security implications, but can improve reliability in some circumstances.

no_root_squash: This option allows requests from user ID 0 to be processed

without squashing to a different user ID. It is necessary to allow the target

to access correctly the files owned by root.

Having made changes to /etc/exports, restart the NFS server to pick them up.

Now, you need to set up the target to mount the root filesystem over NFS. For this to work, your kernel has to be configured with CONFIG_ROOT_NFS. Then, you can configure Linux to do the mount at boot time by adding the following to the kernel command line:

root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=<host-ip>:<root-dir> ip=<target-ip>

The options are as follows:

rw: This mounts the root filesystem read-write.

nfsroot: This specifies the IP address of the host, followed by the path to the exported root filesystem.
ip: This is the IP address to be assigned to the target. Usually, network addresses are assigned at runtime, as we have seen in the section Configuring the network. However, in this case, the interface has to be configured before the root filesystem is mounted and init has been started. Hence it is configured on the kernel command line.

There is more information about NFS root mounts in the kernel

source in Documentation/filesystems/nfs/nfsroot.txt.

Testing with QEMU

The following script creates a virtual network between the network device called tap0 on the host and eth0 on the target using a pair of static IPv4 addresses, and then launches QEMU with the parameters to use tap0 as the emulated interface.

You will need to change the path to the root filesystem to be the full path to your staging directory and maybe the IP addresses if they conflict with your network configuration:









sudo tunctl -u $(whoami) -t tap0

sudo ifconfig tap0 ${HOST_IP}

sudo route add -net ${NET_NUMBER} netmask ${NET_MASK} dev tap0 sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"


qemu-system-arm -m 256M -nographic -M versatilepb -kernel ${KERNEL} -append "console=tt

The script is available in MELP/_05/

It should boot up as before, now using the staging directory directly via the NFS export. Any files that you create in that directory will be immediately visible to the target device, and any files created in the device will be visible to the development PC.

Testing with the BeagleBone Black

In a similar way, you can enter these commands at the U-Boot prompt of the

BeagleBone Black:

setenv serverip

setenv ipaddr

setenv npath [path to staging directory]

setenv bootargs console=ttyO0,115200 root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=${serverip}:${npath} ip=$ fatload mmc 0:1 0x80200000 zImage

fatload mmc 0:1 0x80f00000 am335x-boneblack.dtb bootz 0x80200000 - 0x80f00000

There is a U-Boot environment file in _05/uEnv.txt, which contains all these commands. Just copy it to the boot partition of the microSD card and U-Boot will do the rest.

Problems with file permissions

The files that you copied into the staging directory will be owned by the UID of the user you are logged on as, typically 1000. However, the target has no knowledge of this user. What is more, any files created by the target will be owned by users configured by the target, often the root user. The whole thing is a mess. Unfortunately, there is no simple way out. The best solution is to make a copy of the staging directory and change ownership to UID and GID to 0, using the command sudo chown -R 0:0 *. Then, export this directory as the NFS mount. It removes the convenience of having just one copy of the root filesystem shared between development and target systems, but, at least, the file ownership will be correct.

Using TFTP to load the kernel

Now that we know how to mount the root filesystem over a network using NFS, you may be wondering if there is a way to load the kernel, device tree, and initramfs over the network as well. If we could do this, the only component that needs to be written to storage on the target is the bootloader. Everything else could be loaded from the host machine. It would save time since you would not need to keep reflashing the target, and you could even get work done while the flash storage drivers are still being developed (it happens).

The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is the answer to the problem. TFTP is a very simple file transfer protocol, designed to be easy to implement in bootloaders such as U-Boot.

But, firstly, you need to install a TFTP daemon on your development machine. On Ubuntu, you could install the tftpd-hpa package, which, by default, grants read-only access to files in the directory /var/lib/tftpboot. With tftpd-hpa installed and running, copy the files that you want to copy to the target into /var/lib/tftpboot, which, for the BeagleBone Black, would be zImage and am335x-boneblack.dtb. Then enter these commands at the U-Boot Command Prompt:

setenv serverip

setenv ipaddr

tftpboot 0x80200000 zImage

tftpboot 0x80f00000 am335x-boneblack.dtb

setenv npath [path to staging]

setenv bootargs console=ttyO0,115200 root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=${serverip}:${npath} ip=$ bootz 0x80200000 - 0x80f00000

You may find that the tftpboot command hangs, endlessly printing out the letter T, which means that the TFTP requests are timing out. There are a number of reasons why this happens, the most common ones being:

There is an incorrect IP address for serverip.

The TFTP daemon is not running on the server.
There is a firewall on the server which is blocking the TFTP protocol. Most firewalls do indeed block the TFTP port, 69, by default.

Once you have resolved the problem, U-Boot can load the files from the host machine and boot in the usual way. You can automate the process by putting the commands into a uEnv.txt file.


One of the strengths of Linux is that it can support a wide range of root filesystems, and so it can be tailored to suit a wide range of needs. We have seen that it is possible to construct a simple root filesystem manually with a small number of components and that BusyBox is especially useful in this regard. By going through the process one step at a time, it has given us insight into some of the basic workings of Linux systems, including network configuration and user accounts. However, the task rapidly becomes unmanageable as devices get more complex. And, there is the ever-present worry that there may be a security hole in the implementation, which we have not noticed.

In the next , I will show you how using an embedded build system can make the process of creating an embedded Linux system much easier and more reliable. I will start by looking at Buildroot, and then go onto look at the more complex, but powerful, Yocto Project.
