Free Software You Need!

Links to the software in the descriptions! It's all tested and safe!

4K Video Downloader

Downloads YouTube Videos exactly how you want them! (limitations of the free version: you can only download playlists or channels if they have less than 25 videos - single video's always work - small banner in the app window itself)

It's one of the few ways to still download 1080p video's from YouTube

It even downloads MP3's without having to download the whole video to save you a huge amount of bandwidth!


Lightning fast search through all your files! Lost a file and can't find it with Windows' built-in search? Everything searches instantly through all your file names and only takes a few seconds to index at first start.


Can't sleep after a long night of Imgur? Hate the blinding brightness of your display at night? f.lux solves it! You set your location and f.lux makes your display a tinge more yellow after sunset to match your indoor lighting. You don't notice it after a minute and it makes for a much more relaxing experience so you can LNI without straining your eyes.

Media Player Classic - Home Cinema

The best video player there is for Windows, without contest. You can make subtitles look exactly how you like (black outline!), it has the highest playback quality and uses the least processing power of all video players. Keeps your fans quiet and saves battery power! (get 32bit, even on 64bit systems) (It's a fair bit better than VLC. It's faster, you'll get better contrast and it plays just as many video formats, if not more.)

MPC-HC even downloads subtitles for you!

Just start playing your video, hit D (keyboard shortcut) and select the right subtitle! That's how simple it is! Switching between subtitles and audio tracks is done by right-clicking on the video.

TreeSize Free

Something ate all your disk space and you can't find what? TreeSize Free gives you a very easy overview of where your gigantic files are.

Need to make some quick edits, resizes, adjustments, ... Don't bother with Photoshop or Gimp, is really fast and can already do quite a bit. One thing it doesn't do is text outlines though, sorry for that... Direct download link (don't be fooled by the ads on the site): (click the blue link on the right).

Sublime Text

Notepad on steroids. I personally use it for almost everything, including PHP development. It's so fast even notepad starts feeling slow. You can select and edit multiple places at a time, drag folders in to get a built-in file browser, split it into two views, ... You have to try it to see how great it is!


Want to shoot kick-ass screenshots like the ones in this album? Shotty is what you need! After install it it you can do CTRL+PrintScreen to take a screenshot of the current window with the fancy window borders! It highlights, makes red boxes and can even directly upload to Imgur!

Fancy window borders don't work for all windows, but you can always screenshot a region or the full screen and then crop it out right within Shotty.
